Lorsque nous avons regardé sur un planisphère où se trouvait le désert du Sahara pour visualiser le voyage du renard jusqu’au Petit Prince, nous avons eu envie de savoir où se trouvait la France sur ce planisphère, puis finalement nous avons eu envie de comprendre comment était faite la planète Terre. Nous avons donc fabriqué deux globes terrestres avec des ballons.
Le premier est en couleurs et le deuxième avec du papier de verre afin qu’il soit tactile. Pour fabriquer le premier, chaque groupe a colorié un continent d’une couleur différente.
Maintenant nous savons nommer les continents.
Les deux globes terrestres sont suspendus dans la classe et nous pouvons les observer et les toucher.
The 18 octobre 2019, the pupils of the CM2 class had the chance to meet two skippers of the Transat Jacques Vabre. A very interesting meeting especially since the students had worked on the documents of the educational kit provided by the sponsors Bureau Vallée and Initiatives Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. Au programme : geography with the study of the various landmarks of the terrestrial globe (parallels, meridians, …) allowing them to read GPS coordinates during the race, mathematics with the comparison of rainfall curves in Havre and Salvador de Bahia, videos about life aboard a racing boat, etc. A cette occasion, the children were able to ask a lot of relevant questions. Nothing like going to the village of the race!
Meeting with Samantha Davies, skipper on Imoca Mécenat Chirurgie CardiaqueOn the Imoca Bureau Vallée with Louis Burton and Davy Beaudart
Puis, we started taking the boat to the island of Bréhat.
Over there, Three pirates were waiting.
They have thrown us in a big treasure hunt throughout the island of Bréhat.
Solving puzzles has led us to the Saint Michel, highest point of the island.
We then went to the mill Birlot, works with restraint sea water.
After discovering different sites, we arrived at the place where the treasure was hidden.
In the wooden chest, a message indicating that the treasure was under our feet, the need to protect the. this treasure, it is the island of Bréhat, flowers to the island.
The fourth day ended with the bang in the center costumed disco room Plouharmor.
We made the forest of little quirks
with strips of colored paper and oil pastel, We made the forest of little quirks
with strips of colored paper and oil pastel.
We made the forest of little quirks
with strips of colored paper and oil pastel, We made the forest of little quirks
with strips of colored paper and oil pastel.