The educational project

La communauté éducative de l’école de l’Assomption souhaite faire vivre*:

A school that promotes personal development.
Developing talent, individual skills.
Offrir à chacun la possibilité d’acquérir des connaissances solides et un raisonnement efficace.
Give meaning to learning, put the child in a dynamic project.
Foster relationships with others.
Promote parent-teacher dialogue for everyone, in its role, helps the child to overcome the difficulties.

A school that welcomes differences.
Accueillir chaque enfant tel qu’il est.
Adapt learning situations.
Promote knowledge of the other, perceive the difference as an asset.

A school open to the world.
Prepare the child for autonomy.
Encourage curiosity beyond the familiar environment.
Develop knowledge and skills in the English language.
Awareness and educate the digital world.

A school that educates solidarity and respect.
Leave responsibilities.
Develop opportunities for exchanges between children from different classes.
Participate in solidarity actions.
Living on the values ​​of the Gospel.


*In reference to the project for Catholic Education on the person, regional guidelines of Upper Normandy 2012-2017 and diocesan Project Havre.