Class English Linguistic and Cultural Immersion should allow :
- children leaving for abroad to have extensive contact with the English language.
Condition : Parents at the school have a project going abroad certified by the company. - aux enfants arrivant d’un pays étranger d’être pris en charge en anglais et de maintenir ainsi leur niveau de langue.
Condition : Passed from parents to school the school record of the child. - children of father and / or mother English(s) vivant en France de poursuivre des apprentissages linguistiques en anglais.
Condition : English is spoken at home daily.
Les élèves sont regroupés et inscrits dans une classe « ordinaire » qui correspond à leur tranche d’âge. Ils constituent des groupes de 3 à 10 maximum.
According to a schedule set by the teacher at the beginning of the year, et en concertation avec l’enseignant de la classe de référence, each group is supported 45 minutes per day.
Activities are only in English in the following areas :
- Compréhension écrite.
- Production écrite.
- Listening.
- Production orale.
They correspond to the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
An educational project
A team of teachers who place a lot of importance on creating an atmosphere of confidence in order for students to progress and develop at their own pace.
An innovative project
An English linguistic and cultural immersion class, requested by companies in Le Havre. This project aims to help families with children who are entering the French school system or who are leaving/ to go to an international school system.
Each child will be registered in a French class. The linguistic teacher will take the children in the English class each day, during 45 minutes.
Aimed at
Children between the ages of 3 and 11 whose parents are to go to an English speaking country.
Children whose parents are coming to Le Havre on a short or a long term mission.
Children with bilingual parents settled in Le Havre.
New perspectives and innovating projects for our school!
This project has been put together by a dynamic team of teachers who hope to develop exchanges and partnerships with foreign people.