Christmas is coming, comme en témoignent les jolies crèches installées dans les classes!
Category Archives: Actualités de l’école
APEL General Assembly
Pasto Box VI The disciples of Emmaus
This week's Pasto Box takes us with the disciples of Jesus on the road to Emmaus.
Click here to view the Pasto-Box-VI.
Easter is near! Discover the new Pasto Box!
Holy Week
Here are two new links to download for Holy Week:
Happy Easter!
The PastoBox III invites you to experience Les Rameaux through various activities.
Happy Palm Sunday to all!
Pastoral continuity, week of 30 March
A new pastoral proposal for this week of Lent!
It is now called “Pasto Box”! You can download it by clicking on the link: LA-PASTO-BOX-week-of-March-30
Pastoral continuity, week of 23 March
Despite the confinement, we continue the path towards Easter. 1st degree pastoral animators will offer you information every week, texts, des chants, games and a humor note.
Click on the link below to find this week's proposal: