New album for the start of January, the latter allows us to approach the themes: King, Queen, castle and knights…
Author Archives: Sophie Patin
Ateliers de Noël
Letter and visit from Santa Claus
Two for me…
Since returning from the All Saints holidays, the TPS/PS work on the theme of autumn with the album Two for me One for you
A good opportunity to examine mushrooms up close with a Discovery of Life session:
The students touched, smelled the mushrooms then observed the hat, the foot as well as the part that was in the sand.
Where are the slats? First day, we had to cut the mushroom in two to observe them:
On the other hand after the weekend, they were perfectly visible on the one that remained intact:
Premiers ateliers
Atelier cuisine pour la fête des pères
Animaux marins, fin
Derniers ateliers sur le thème des animaux marins:
1) Jeux d'eau:
Filtrer, aspirer, transvaser avec un entonnoir, une passoire, une seringue, une pipette… Enfin nettoyage. Le bonheur!!!
2) Découverte de l'écrit: Révisions des graphismes appris: lignes verticale et horizontale, quadrillage, point, cercle dans la bouche du poisson:
3) Compter les animaux marins et associer l'écriture chiffrée au dénombrement: