10 élèves de STL (Science et Technologie de Laboratoire) du lycée Jeanne D'Arc sont venus prêter main forte à nos CM2 pour manipuler, mettre en évidence et connaître l'origine des colorants who surround us : natural origin, synthetic or artificial.
Thanks to certain brightly colored candies and certain products used in baking to add color, students were able to learn to separate and identify certain dyes by chromatography.
Manipulation, observation, schematization, analyse, deduction et conclusion are the main characteristics of the scientific approach.
A big thank you to all the final year students and their Earth Science and Life teacher, Ms. Hillion, for kindly guiding us throughout this session through discussions, advices, and a very caring pedagogy. Merci aussi pour leur invertissement. Nous ne manquerons pas de leur faire parvenir nos compte-rendus d'expérience.