Since early March, Vincent Gibeaux, Since early March, Since early March.
Since early March “Since early March” Since early March.
Since early March.
Since early March, Vincent Gibeaux, Since early March, Since early March.
Since early March “Since early March” Since early March.
Since early March.
Since early March, Since early March.
Since early March.
Since early March. Since early March, hopping, hopping…
Au programme, hopping, hopping, hopping (hopping). hopping, hopping, hopping. hopping!!!
hopping. hopping. Au programme, hopping, hopping, hopping!
Les CM1/CM2 ont travaillé, in class, sur les tenants et les aboutissants de l’armistice du 11 November 1918.
Un bon prétexte pour rendre hommage aux morts pour la France avec une activité d’arts visuels représentant des symboles de la 1ère Guerre mondiale : le coquelicot et le bleuet.
The 18 octobre 2019, the pupils of the CM2 class had the chance to meet two skippers of the Transat Jacques Vabre. A very interesting meeting especially since the students had worked on the documents of the educational kit provided by the sponsors Bureau Vallée and Initiatives Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque. Au programme : geography with the study of the various landmarks of the terrestrial globe (parallels, meridians, …) allowing them to read GPS coordinates during the race, mathematics with the comparison of rainfall curves in Havre and Salvador de Bahia, videos about life aboard a racing boat, etc. A cette occasion, the children were able to ask a lot of relevant questions. Nothing like going to the village of the race!
The 8 octobre 2019, the CM2s went to the Natural History Museum to discover the life of bees. The speakers were able to answer their many questions.
The 3 octobre 2019, the CM2s set off to meet the work of Le Havre painter Raoul Dufy during a guided tour.